1:34 - Leadership pressure - How does Siobhan think about leadership, from not only a content perspective but a practice perspective?
2:52 - First leadership position - Siobhan got her first management role in college.
5:34 - Incredible customer experience - How did Siobhan foster this environment managing a team of 25?
7:22 - From retail to tech - How did Siobhan make the transition?
10:11 - Teaching in Russia - Siobhan explains what led her to jump on a plane into the unknown.
15:26 - Transition from B2B to SaaS - What motivated Siobhan to branch out into something new?
18:50 - The loss of a boss - Siobhan explains the grief of joining an organization for a boss who left shortly after.
21:34 - Building internal relationships - What was the reception like from the departments who had no clue what customer success was?
25:00 - Customer Success thesis - Siobhan outlines the work from her master's program in Russia.
31:34 - Different background, same vision - What does leadership from Siobhan's team look like in an environment that fully believes in customer success?
36:23 - Siobhan's advice to herself - What advice would Siobhan give her younger self?
Connect with Siobhan Alexander: https://www.linkedin.com/in/siobhan-alexander-63a65052/
Learn more about Catalyst Software at https://catalyst.io/
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